Resources on the web

This is my non-exhaustive list of resources related to visuals on the web. Many of them are about techniques like sketchnoting, visual recording and/or facilitation. You will also find links to neuroscience, history of art, science of images, listening techniques, etc. Enjoy!


My “Visual thinking” playlist on YouTube:

Other videos (not on YouTube):

Other video’s playlists:



Other resources and blogs

International Sketchnote Camps (ISC)

Hashtags on social media

Some interesting hashtags to find content on social media (x/twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, etc)

#todaysdoodle #sketchnotes #graphicrecording #sketchnotes #UnPictoParJour #SNHangout #SNChallenge

#inktober9999 with 9999 as the year of the Inktober challenge
#SNDay9999 with 9999 as the year of the Sketchnote Day

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